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"Rodonite" stone is a cold greasy feel discovered in 1790 in the Russian Ural Mountains, and its name was Olitz (meaning "eagles").

The locals were watching eagles in the mountains carrying small pieces of this stone to their nests,

So the population placed the stone in the cradle of the infant, so that the child would grow as an eagle, alert and powerful

Then they became carrying the stone on their travels ... for protection and protection, and this stone ... became Russia's national stone in a year 1913

Stone rhodonite colors (varying pink in degree) and sometimes (crimson) with the transition to (brown) and has stripes (thin black)

And sometimes (reddish pink) ... opaque to translucent

It is chemically ([Manganese silicate]), The inhabitants of the Russian Urals believed that it cured all diseases..

And the inhabitants are accustomed to healing the eyes if they touch them, relieve tension, promote calm, and protect from envy and jealousy..

It increases self-confidence and overcoming feelings of insufficiency, and heals bitterness, liver and skin allergy..

Ural Mountains residents mentioned one of the treatment methods:

Drank one cup (8 ounces) of drenched "RSC" stone for two weeks,

Followed by the same amount a cup of rhodonite soaked every day for three weeks..

Then massaged the whole body with a rhodonite stone for a week,

He says the residents of those mountains believe that this stone cures all diseases (God willing).

Stone is available and cheap, and there is original and imitation.
