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Dear visitor..

Thank you for browsing the gem site, we will take a few minutes to clarify the following:

By using our site, we may store some non-personal and general information for non-commercial purposes.


What information do we store?

  • Your network address [Internet ProtocolIP (address that is provided by default by the service provider when you use any website on the Internet).
  • Words you might search for


Why is this information stored?

From our keenness to provide the best result for visitors and readers, we need this information to be used in special algorithms that study and present

The best and closest results, according to the interaction of visitors with the site, and in order to make sure to get real and non-fake views.


Is the information stored secure?

Although the information collected is not private, our technical team secures these details and protects them in an encrypted and secure manner..

The site team assures that it will not be used for any commercial purposes.


How is content managed?

All topics and articles are subject to scrutiny before they are added to maintain the quality of the materials provided to visitors.

You can contribute to enriching the content by contacting


Advertising on the site

The site is designed in a way that does not hinder the visitor while reading, and all ads that may appear anywhere on it have been taken into consideration their quality and compatibility with the provided content

They are not random ads intended for profit only, this stems from our keenness to provide useful content that is not directed and neutral and not for profit purposes.

To advertise on the site, please contact us on our private mail.




 All comments are filtered before adding them, in case you encounter a problem with the extension, make sure of the following:

  • The comment or name does not contain any obscene or sensitive words
  • The comment does not contain any external links
  • Do not respond with the name of the site or use its own mail
  • Use valid email to receive alerts when interacting with your post
  • Adhere to the number allowed in the comment or reply (10 to 500 characters)
  • Do not exceed the comment limit within a short period (1 to 5 comments)
  • Do not use randomly repeated characters to fill in the spaces and to lengthen the comment
  • Reports of abuse are handled directly, so don't hesitate to report when you find an offensive comment
  • If you are sure of the safety of the comment or response, please contact us to solve the problem
  • The site is not responsible for any comments that contain commercial advertisements that may expose you to fraud
  • Make sure you have a check markNext to the user before communicating with him
  • It is preferable not to deal with any commercial comment directly before referring to the site management for verification
  • Any violation of what was stated may be subject to a ban from the use of comments and responses


Participate in the album of the week

  • You can participate in the album of the week by contacting us via our private mail
  • The name of the owner of the pictures will be placed when displayed in the album of the week for copyright protection
  • Photos that meet the criteria specified by the site are accepted:
    1. High quality picture resolution starts at 1920x1080
    2. Short description photos
    3. Photographer's name
    4. Observe the safe distance to shoot from top and bottom to avoid image clipping
    5. Photography date (not required if not available)
    6. The type of camera you were shooting with (other thanRequiredIf not available)


Royal and intellectual content and rights

  • Content

  1. Because of the great confusion between the specialty of gemstones and some fraud and sometimes sorcery
  2. We are very careful to present information that is accurate, scientifically confirmed, and completely independent of the foregoing.
  3. If you find inappropriate content that may conflict with a religion or religious concept, you can contact us and clarify the matter
  4. The content will be modified to be appropriate in the event that there is a violation
  5. The article will be permanently deleted if it is confirmed that it cannot be modified to be compatible with religious and ethical principles
  6. Content publishers strive to publish content that suits all tastes
  • Photo property rights
  1. Your use of the images without permission could expose you to legal liability
  2. If you find any image that you photographed and used, contact us, your name will be indicated or removed
  3. Any images that are not the property of the site are not used for any commercial or profit purpose, but for informational purposes only
  4. Any requests that do not contain concrete proof of ownership are not taken seriously


  • Intellectual property rights to the content
  1. Your transfer of content without permission may expose you to legal liability
  2. If you find an article that contains similarity to content that you have previously published, you can contact us, and your name will be indicated or the quote removed
  3. We are careful not to attribute any content that is not written to us directly unless we are unable to know the original source of the quoted text
  4. Any requests that do not contain concrete proof of ownership are not taken seriously



Privacy policy

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